rhetorical rut
I've got nothing particularly interesting to blog about, but I'm feeling the itch to write something, and the people I usually throw my verbal bs at are:
1. in hong kong; 2. abandoned me; or 3. in hong kong.
My arms are in a post-traumatic kind of pain from yesterday's game of "Egyptian--something", where you hit a certain card that pops up as each member of the game places down a card in turn. With six fists coming down at you at hyper speed, it hurts. Janice's hands became asymmetrically puffy (should've taken before and after photos) ^^;
Happy birthday Franz! (was his bday party last night) I saw an oooold friend of mine yesterday, which was a nice surprise. Small world. I've known him since kindergarten, I believe, and have lost contact after grade 8. And wow, some people can really look the same from infancy to adulthood :) (It can be a good thing).. An elementary school reunion would be really nice. It's been almost a decade since then. Would be interesting to see who's doing what, where, and if anyone's living large, like we all proclaimed in our final blurbs found in our yearbooks. I think I wrote that in 10 years, I'd be some kind of famous musician, or whatnot. lol.. oh how innocent I was. (I'd open my drawers to look at it again, but my four feet tall stack of books is in the way. Speaking of which, Joe, from orchestra, is giving me his hand-made bookshelf! He made it on his own for his architectural design class, and it looks great! (thanks again, Joe ^^) Looks like posting my bs on my blog is useful after all.. hehe)
Situation at home with the brother vs. parents with me (striving to stay) at the sidelines is becoming trying. (understatement.) I keep putting other things first before family, but I think I should finally address these issues. I can feel the gray hairs growing. Summer school's almost over! For the final few weeks that I have, I want to do so much... of nothing. Just sitting out on the lawn chairs, basking in some sunshine and reading or dozing or otherwise. So many people are going places... Vince and Nita are in HK, Janice is going to the Caribbeans, Joe's going to Korea (and other countries, I presume), Justine's off to New York, soon, and so on. I'd like to visit Northern Europe, Greece, and Japan.
My blog's becoming victim to my excessive verbal diarrhea. (This is what happens when you go away, Vince (grrr).) Franz just msg'ed saying he loved our air freshener we got him! haha... in your FACE people who thought it was gonna be crappy gift. I know air freshener for a car sounds lame, but it looks really sleek and in Franz's words: "i knwo this is random. but the air freshener u guys got for my car smells really nice..lol"; Yay. Plus it covers up unwanted smells like... *insert words of your choice* ;)
I wonder if people are still reading up to here. lol.. if you are, *applause*, you have nothing better to do with your time, eh? ^^ It's ok. Me neither.
I have to go to Greg's office first thing in the morning tomorrow to pick up the draft of my final report and be victim to any criticisms he will have for it. eep. He said it should be just over 10 pages long, and mine was 10x3+3 pages longer. As you can see, it is quite evident that I cannot write short passages that convey information in a clear and orderly manner.
If you don't already know, Josh obliterated my student's electronic piano while we were over at her place rehearsing. Albeit it's still in one piece, it won't turn on. He was adjusting the stand the piano rested on, and the entire thing collapsed onto the floor. The keyboard's sitting in my room, now, and I don't think he's going to take responsibility for it anymore, given that he's angry at the whole world now. Why? God only knows. Maybe he needs an abortion or something. Anyway, I called the only guy in Toronto who can possibly fix this thing, and as such, he is expensive. First hour, which includes travel time, is flat out $65. Then fixing it, replacing parts, etc. costs God knows how much more. I'm worried that he won't be able to fix it after all, and it'll cost me, or that he'll fix it, and it'll cost me my liver, heart, and lungs. My student and her family are so nice, it makes me feel even more guilty. After all, I am the teacher, he is the accompanist I supplied, soI should hold responsibility, even if I didn't touch the keyboard. They said that I don't have to fix it, and if I do, they'll pay for it. Yeah right, like I'll let them do that to my dignity. T_T
If you're STILL reading this, gjgj. I hope I didn't melt any brain cells.
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